9/29 – GreenStrengthIV Training Log

Thursday 9/29

Session 1

Safety Squat Bar Squat (Ladder Program – Wk 2 Medium Day)
105×5, 155×5, 205×5, 255×3
275 4 ladders of 3 rungs (5-3-2) = 40 total reps

Axle Bar Close Grip Bench Press (Ladder Program – Wk 2 Medium Day)
60×5, 110×5, 160×5
220 4 ladders of 3 rungs (5-3-2) = 40 total reps

Safety Squat Bar Pause Squats
205 4×3 (2 sec pause)

Ring Supine Rows

Zercher Reverse Lunge
110 2×6/6

Safety Squat Bar Loaded Walk
205 3x40yds

Standing Calf Raise

Russian KB Farmers Walk
DBL 62 3x40yds

Band Palloff Circles
Red Band 3×10/10

BJJ Drilling w/ Professor Rader x45min

marley monkey

Session 2

53 x3/3 (Unbroken)

Max Power Endurance KB Swing
70 x8 EMOM x20min = 160 total swings

Prowler Walk
210 8×20

C2B Strict Pull Up

Airdyne Sprint
10cal EMOM x10min

Belted Sled Drag – Forward, Backwards, Lateral
100 x10min

Green Strength Training Week For Your Viewing Pleasure

Building a solid base is key in BJJ as I am learning more and more about each day. However the base in strength and conditioning is equally the same as far as importance. Strength is a skill, a mastery of tension – movement, and should be expressed whenever – wherever with aesthetically pleasing form. Here is my last weeks training and keep this in mind…

-was I sore? Yes, but my movement was on point so it was muscular soreness in the correct area.

-did I foam roll? Rarely, I believe its a nice placebo effect but the real warm up comes from joint mobility.

-did I use #herbalife 24 series? Ummm NO. My body is something I respect so I put real food and nutrients in it.

-were my workouts exhausting and leaving me feeling like I was in the finals of the crossfit games? Never, I managed fatigue. That is a skill in itself just like strength.

-was this my only exercise? No, I trained BJJ 3 days, and most every day did at least 100 extra swings, handstands, pull ups crawling, cross crawls, etc. I “grease the groove” throughout the day.


Day 1 – Sunday

1- Deadlift 415lb 12×1 (60sec rest)

2- Green Strength Special Deadlift 415lbs 3×1

3- Heavy Kettlebell Single Arm Rows 5×3-5/arm w/ 106lb & 150lb

4- 10 Rounds of

-5 Handstand Push Ups from deficit

-5 150lb KB Swings

-5 18lb Tactical Pull Ups

5- 10×10 Power Swing 53lbs


Day 2 – Monday

1- Squat Safety Squat Bar 6×2 275lbs

2- Bench Press Close Grip 6×2 225lbs

3- SSB Squat 3×8 215lbs

4- Close Grip Bench 3×8 185lbs

5- 10×10 Power Swings 70lbs


Day 3 – Tuesday

1- Deadlift 425 10×1 (60sec rest)

2- Green Strength Special Deadlift 3×1 425lbs

3- Barbell Rows 225lbs 5×3

4- Military Press 175 3×3

5- 8 Rounds of


-5 26lb Pull Ups

-5 150lb KB Swing

-5 80lb Ball Shoulders


Day 4 – Wednesday

1- Squat Safety Squat Bar 6×6 275lbs

2- Bench Press Close Grip 6×6 225lbs

3- Safety Squat Bar Pause squats 10x various reps (1-3). When did singles paused for close to 10sec, 6 for doubles, 4 for tripes

4- 4 Rounds of

-25 BW Squats

-10 Janda Sit Ups

-25 Ring Push Ups


Day 5 – Thursday

1- Deadlift 435 10×1 (60sec rest)

2- Single Arm Deadlift 10×1/hand 203lb Bell

3- 8 Rounds of


-5 18lb Chin Ups

-5 80lb Med Ball Shoulders

-5 Beast Swings


Day 6 – Friday

1- Safety Squat Bar Squat 6×2 275lbs

2- Close Grip Bench 6×2 225lbs

3- DBL Kettlebell Front Squat 4×8 70lbs

4- DBL Kettlebell Press 4×8 62lbs

5- TGU 5/side 53lbs

6- 50 Rope Pull Ups

7- 1hr Walk through downtown OKC and H&8th.


Well there you have it, a week in the training life of me. As a bonus I am going to list my two go-to meals.

1- Steak and Eggs

-10oz Grassfed Steak (fattier the better)

-8 Eggs (Whole)

-Peppers and Mushrooms mixed in eggs

-Cook it all in grassed butter


2- Green Strength Stir Fry 


-3-4 stalks of broccoli mixed with peppers, mushrooms, sprouts (anything veggie), cooked in grassed butter

-2 cup of white rice or cilantro and lime rice from whole foods.

-1 large avocado

-Pico de Gallo

-Stir Fry it all up with the butter an mix it all together in a LARGE bowl.

There ya go!

Got Any Questions? Let me know!